Programme contents

The guest student programme targets students of science and engineering, informatics and mathematics who have already completed their first degree but have not yet finished their master’s degree. Additionally, a letter of recommendation from a university lecturer or professor is required to apply. The students will work together with scientists from JSC on topics of current interest in research and development. Depending on their previous experience and interests, they will be involved in various fields of work, for example:

  • Computational Science, Applied Mathematics

    • Modelling and simulation in physics, chemistry and biophysics

    • Techniques of parallel MD simulations

    • Modelling, simulation and data analysis in neuroscience

    • Parallel computational procedures in quantum chemistry and structural mechanics

    • Performance evaluation of parallel algorithms in linear algebra

    • Mathematical modelling, statistics and data mining

  • Computer Architectures, Distributed Computing

    • Distributed computing, uniform and secure access to IT resources

    • Cluster operating systems & network management

    • High-speed data networks & data management

  • High-Performance Computing, AI, Visualization

    • Performance analysis and optimization of parallel programs

    • Programming of hierarchical parallel computer systems

    • Distributed applications, interactive control and visualizations

    • Artificial Intelligence (AI) in HPC

  • Quantum computing

The students should naturally be familiar with computer-oriented areas of their subjects. In addition, they should also have practical computer experience including a good knowledge of programming with C, C++ or Fortran on Linux systems.


The programme starts with an introductory course concerning the techniques of parallel computing and use of the Jülich supercomputers. The course consists of lectures and practical exercises. Each student will then be assigned to a supervisor, who is a JSC staff member. The students work on a topic of the supervisor’s active field of research. In a colloquium at the end of the programme, the students will give presentations on their work and discuss their results with other students and scientists. They will also prepare a final report on their work. Information on the topics and results of previous guest student programmes can be found on the guest student programme's homepage at "Previous programmes".

Last Modified: 28.03.2023