Training Course "GPU Programming"
(Course no. 65/2012 in the training programme of Forschungszentrum Jülich)
Instructors: | Dr. Jan Meinke, Jochen Kreutz, Willi Homberg, JSC; Suraj Prabhakaran, GRS; Kevin Drzycimski, FH Aachen |
Contents: | |
Duration: | 3 days |
Dates: | 19-21 March 2012, 9:00 - 16:30 |
Venue: | Ausbildungsraum 1, Jülich Supercomputing Centre, building 16.3, room 021 |
Registration: |
Many-core programming is a very dynamic research area. Many scientific applications have been ported to GPU architectures during the past four years. We will give an introduction to CUDA, OpenCL, and multi-GPU programming using examples of increasing complexity. After introducing the basics the focus will be on optimization and tuning of scientific applications. Topics covered will include:
- CUDA programming model and language extension
- Partitioning and granularity of parallel applications
- Debugging and profiling of CUDA kernels
- Impact of memory access patterns on performance
- Multi-GPU programming using MPI
- OpenCL programming model and API
Prerequisites: Knowledge in C
A minimum of 5 participants is required. Registration is necessary until 5 March 2012.
To register, please contact:
Willi Homberg