NIC Excellence Projects October 2019

The NIC Peer Review Board regularly awards the title "NIC Excellence Project" to outstanding simulation projects. At its October meeting, the board decided to honour Prof. Frithjof Anders from TU Dortmund University and Prof. Hartmut Wittig from Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. Both scientists were granted computing time on JUWELS and JURECA Booster.

Prof. Anders researches in the field of theoretical condensed matter and was honoured for his project, which investigates coherently controlled electron spins in an ensemble of semiconductor quantum dots which are discussed for quantum information processing. The results of this project make important contributions to spin relaxation times and to imparting nuclear spin alignment non-equilibrium distributions by periodic excitation with circularly polarized light.

The project of Prof. Wittig was recognized as an NIC Excellence Project for its contributions to elementary particle physics. The project investigates the properties of the phase transition between hadronic matter and a quark–gluon plasma, and furthermore, it investigates whether bound states of two baryons (so-called dibaryons) are predicted by quantum chromodynamics (QCD).

For more details, see and (in German).

Contact: Dr. Alexander Trautmann,

from JSC News No. 269, 11 December 2019

Last Modified: 02.08.2022