Jupyter-JSC: Supercomputing in Your Browser

Interactive supercomputing is currently gaining in importance and with it the browser-based development, workflow, and analysis web application JupyterLab. For one and a half years now, users of the HPC clusters at JSC have been able to access JURECA and JUWELS directly from their web browser via https://jupyter-jsc.fz-juelich.de with JupyterLab. Last year, support for the HPC cluster JURON and the OpenStack cluster HDF-Cloud was added. With the current update of the Jupyter-JSC service, direct access via the browser to the new HPC clusters DEEP and JUSUF is also possible.

Jupyter-JSC has continuously matured into a first-class citizen in the JSC ecosystem. Under the hood, Jupyter-JSC builds on the software building blocks of JupyterHub, UNICORE, and Unity-IdM and uses the possibilities of the HDF-Cloud to provide 24/7 availability and high scalability, e.g. for workshops. In this way, every user of our systems can easily and intuitively start JupyterLab directly in their web browser.

The latest update of the Jupyter-JSC service brings support for more HPC clusters as well as many other new features, such as more configuration options at start-up, support for dashboards, a uniform design, and of course bug fixes and improved performance.

But most of all, Jupyter-JSC can do one thing: it can quickly and reliably start a modern and feature-rich JupyterLab directly on the computing resources of the JSC and make it accessible ad-hoc for the user. We would like to thank the users for their many constructive suggestions. This will allow the JupyterLab installation to continuously adapt its functional range to the wishes of the research groups. We therefore continue to ask for feedback and are convinced that interactive supercomputing with Jupyter-JSC via https://jupyter-jsc.fz-juelich.de is of great benefit to our users.

Contact: Jens Henrik Göbbert, j.goebbert@fz-juelich.de; Tim Kreuzer, t.kreuzer@fz-juelich.de

from JSC News No. 272, 18 May 2020

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Forschungszentrum Jülich
Last Modified: 05.07.2022