Stefan Krieg Appointed Professor at University of Bonn
Stefan Krieg joined JSC in 2010 to work on exascale computing within JSC’s Exascale Laboratories. In 2011, he took charge of the newly founded Simulation Laboratory Nuclear and Particle Physics, to help prepare the lattice field theory community for the upcoming developments in computing hardware. Together with colleagues at JSC and the Universities of Wuppertal and Regensburg, this work continued within the special research field “SFB Hadron Physics from Lattice QCD”, which ran until 2020.
Stefan now works to expand the utility of the methods developed within the Lattice QCD framework to other areas where quantum field theories are applied. The broader scope of this approach is reflected in the new name of the Simulation and Data Laboratory Numerical Quantum Field Theory, which he continues to lead. In 2021, Stefan Krieg was appointed professor at University of Bonn’s Helmholtz Institute for Radiation and Nuclear Physics within the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, while retaining his position at JSC according to the Jülich Model. The joint position will strengthen the existing collaborations with the University of Bonn, help to develop new cooperation opportunities, and attract students to work and perform computational research at JSC.
Congratulations, Stefan, and good luck with your new tasks.