New EuroHPC JU Project TIME-X Started
Recent successes have established the potential of parallel-in-time integration as a powerful algorithmic paradigm to unlock the performance of exascale systems. However, these successes have mainly been achieved in a rather academic setting, without an overarching understanding. TIME-X will take the next leap in the development and deployment of this promising new approach for massively parallel HPC simulation, enabling efficient parallel-in-time integration for real-life applications. Funded by the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking and national governments, the consortium of 10 institutions from Belgium, France, Germany, and Switzerland will develop software and novel algorithmic concepts for parallel-in-time integration on current and future HPC architectures. The partners will showcase the potential in three diverse and challenging application fields with high societal impact: weather and climate, medicine, and fusion. To achieve this, the inherently interdisciplinary TIME-X consortium unites all relevant actors at the European level from numerical analysis and applied mathematics, computer science, and the selected application domains in a joint strategic research effort.
This project is led by KU Leuven (Belgium). JSC will primarily work within the work packages “HPC & Implementation” (WP2) and “Impact Maximisation” (WP5). In WP2, JSC and the Hamburg University of Technology will start a joint PhD project on resilient, inexact parallel-in-time integrators, their efficient implementation, and their application. Leading WP5, JSC will furthermore manage training and tutorial activities. Other German partners include the Technical University of Darmstadt, the Technical University of Munich and the University of Wuppertal. The project started on 1 April and will run for three years.
Contact: Dr. Robert Speck,
from JSC News No. 280, 26 April 2021