Second Virtual PRACE Summer of HPC at JSC

The Summer of HPC (SoHPC) programme, now in its ninth year, allowed over 60 university students from all scientific disciplines to spend two months working remotely with PRACE partner organizations. In addition to allowing students to work on research projects in a multidisciplinary and international environment, the aim of the SoHPC programme is to promote and disseminate scientific culture among the upcoming generation of researchers, encouraging the students participating in the programme to become the computational scientists of tomorrow. Furthermore, through the participants’ sharing of their experiences in blog posts and video presentations, the programme aims to ensure that the students themselves become ambassadors for supercomputing at their respective institutions.

This year, three students – namely Arthur Guillec (France), Tristan Michel (France), and Marc Túnica (Spain) – joined JSC remotely for the summer to gain first-hand experience in day-to-day research. After an online training week for all students hosted by the Irish Centre for High-End Computing in Dublin, the three students teamed up and started working on their assigned projects at JSC. Arthur and Tristan were supervised by Ivo Kabadshow and worked on parallelizing the Fast Multipole Method with HPX, while Marc was supervised by Marcel Rodekamp and dealt with High Performance Quantum Fields. They produced two video presentations that can be found at and at

Contact: Dr. Ivo Kabadshow

from JSC News Nr. 283, 24 September 2021

Last Modified: 05.10.2022