Retrospective of the 11th NIC Symposium

The John von Neumann Institute for Computing (NIC) supports research projects from a broad scientific spectrum. On 29 and 30 September 2022, computational scientists presented their research results at the 11th NIC symposium in Jülich. The symposium was very well attended with over 160 participants – much to the satisfaction of the organizers.

Director of the Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC) and the NIC, Prof. Thomas Lippert, welcomed all participants at the beginning of the event. The symposium started with the very sad news of Prof. Kurt Binder passing away. Prof. Binder, former chair of the NIC Scientific Council was one of the driving forces in the high-performance computing (HPC) community in Germany and particularly in the NIC. We mourn the loss of Prof. Binder and would like to express our deepest condolences to Prof. Binder's family during this difficult time.

In his scientific talk, Prof. Lippert focused on the rise of quantum computing at JSC. He emphasized the enormous importance of quantum computing, and gave some insights into the development of this emergent, disruptive technology.

Following tradition, researchers' recent activities and results were compiled in the NIC Symposium's proceedings. The symposium and the proceedings address both computational scientists and practitioners as well as the general public with an interest in the advancement of computational science and its applications in diverse, contemporary research fields.

All accompanying materials such as the programme, talks, posters, proceedings, and photographs are available at

Contact: Dr. Alexander Trautmann

Group photo of the NIC Symposium 2022
Group photo of the NIC Symposium 2022
Forschungszentrum Jülich

from JSC News No. 292, 2 November 2022

Last Modified: 07.12.2022