JUBE Benchmarking Environment

JUBE Benchmarking Environment

Benchmarking a computer system usually involves numerous tasks, involving several runs of different applications. Configuring, compiling, and running a benchmark suite on several platforms with the accompanied tasks of result verification and analysis needs a lot of administrative work and produces a lot of data, which has to be analysed and collected in a central database. Without a benchmarking environment all these steps have to be performed by hand.

For each benchmark application the benchmark data is written out in a certain format that enables the benchmarker to deduct the desired information. This data can be parsed by automatic pre- and post-processing scripts that draw information, and store it more densely for manual interpretation.

The JUBE benchmarking environment provides a script based framework to easily create benchmark sets, run those sets on different computer systems and evaluate the results. It is actively developed by the Jülich Supercomputing Centre of Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany.

Download current version (see also release notes)



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Last Modified: 23.05.2024