JUNIQ access, service and support
Access to quantum computing devices
The JUNIQ-Cloud platform offers access to various quantum computing devices. Its programming interface is based on the Jupyter Hub technology for cloud development, making algorithm development, job execution and documentation convenient and transferable between several quantum devices. JUNIQ offers access to different quantum computing frameworks like Qiskit or D-Wave Ocean SDK.
The interface to gate-based quantum computing devices is based on Qiskit. This interface has been extended with several custom plugins, which provide access to backends otherwise not available to the public, such as the OpenSuperQ prototype quantum computer and the ideal quantum computer emulator JUQCS running on JSC's high performance computer JURECA-DC. The interface to the D-Wave Advantage™ quantum annealer (JUPSI) is based on D-Wave Ocean SDK.
Current calls: Rolling Call, applications are possible at any time. If you want to be informed on future calls of JUNIQ, please subscribe to the distributor list. This list will be exclusively used to inform users of JUNIQ about ongoing and future calls.
Currently available systems are: D-Wave Advantage™ System JUPSI
First step: Submitting a research proposal
Principal investigators must submit their proposals via the application portal. Please check the fact sheet for further details, such as eligibility criteria, before starting the application process. It is mandatory to use the template for project descriptions available in Word, LaTeX and PDF.
Second step: Review process and approval
Once a proposal has been submitted successfully, external reviewers will evaluate the quality of the proposal. With this, JUNIQ ensures an independent selection process conducted by experts from the field. We are aiming to provide feedback on the decision within a few weeks.
Third step: Accessing quantum computing devices
Quantum computing devices can be accessed through the JUNIQ-Cloud once a research proposal is approved. Users (PIs and project members) have to create an account at JSC’s user portal JuDoor, which is needed to enter JUNIQ. PIs have to provide a list of JuDoor accounts that should get access to JUNIQ (including the PI’s account) either in the proposal or after approval to the coordination office.
Fourth step: Completed projects – project report
The project report is due four weeks after the end of the allocation period of the project. The project report has to be sent to the coordination office. It is mandatory to use and follow the instructions in the template for project reports available in Word, LaTeX and PDF.
If you publish and/or present results that were produced using JUNIQ’s resources, please use the acknowledgement statement given in the template for project reports.
Service and Support
JUNIQ is supported by the research group Quantum Information Processing, which has several years of expertise in simulating quantum systems, benchmarking of quantum computing devices and developing prototype use cases for quantum computing applications. In addition to the scientific expertise, software engineers, hardware engineers and project managers ensure continuous operation and access provision of the available systems. For requests and feedback concerning access, service and support, please contact info-juniq@fz-juelich. We will forward your request to the appropriate experts.
Status JUNIQ-Cloud
In case of problems accessing JUNIQ-Cloud and using various backends please check the status of our services and quantum devices .
Required services:
- hdfcloud for accessing JUNIQ-Cloud
- jureca-dc + hdfcloud + unicore for using JUQCS
Quantum devices (listed under cluster systems):
- For using QLM: QLM
- For using JUPSI: not available; please contact info-juniq@fz-juelich.de