Access to the LARGEDATA Filesystem
Access to the LARGEDATA file system that is also available on JSC’s HPC systems is granted on a case-by-case basis. Please contact to request access and discuss any details. In order to streamline the process, please provide the following information:
- path of the directory to be exported,
- access mode: read-only or read-write,
- UID and GID for the access,
- person to contact (if not yourself),
- the target virtual machine (VM).
We will process the ticket and let you know once everything has been set up. The client side setup, i.e. configuration inside the VM, must be done by the administrator of the VM.
The access is realized via NFS exports of specific directory trees within the LARGEDATA file system. All access is mapped to a single user identity that is determined when requesting access. The user identity must be a member of your DATA project.
After the NFS export has been created, you will be given information about how to consume it. Typically, this will result in an additional entry in the /etc/fstab file of the VM, such as:
192.168.74.xx:/p/largedata/your_project/sub_folder /mnt/nfs/sub_folder nfs defaults 0 0
The server-side path is the one you selected when requesting the export, the xx part of the IP address is determined by us for load balancing purposes. The local path can be determined according to your needs.
Additionally, in order to reach the storage network, cloud administrators will add another interface to your VM. This interface must be configured to retrieve its IP address via DHCP and enabled before trying to mount the NFS export.
For your reference, the availability of the HPC file systems at JSC on the various systems is shown in the following diagram.