The Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC) provides world-class supercomputers for researchers of all scientific fields who are faced with demanding and time-consuming simulations. The VSR Commission - a commission of the Scientific and Technical Council (Wissenschaftlich-Technischer Rat, WTR) of the Forschungszentrum Jülich - is responsible for the comparative peer review process and the allocation of the resources for VSR computing time projects.
Scientists who are affiliated with the Forschungszentrum Jülich are eligible to apply for VSR resources.
Available project types
Available project types for production are Regular Projects.
Test access to JURECA for the preparation of Regular Project applications is available. For further information, please see here.
To apply for computing time, please proceed as follows:
Write a detailed project description, and please use the sample project description (PDF, Word, LaTeX). The usage of the template is mandatory. Applications that do not use the required templates for the project description might be rejected. The project description must not exceed 18 pages (font 11pt). The project description needs to be uploaded to the web server as part of the electronic questionnaire in PDF (please do not include any other information in this file). Completeness and verifiability of these specifications will be considered during the assessment process. Missing information will lead to a reduction of granted computing time and possibly to the rejection of the proposal. If you wish to add supplementary information to your project description (e.g. articles that are not yet published), please compile it in another PDF file and upload it as part of the supplementary material.
Complete the electronic questionnaire and upload the project description as well as any additional documents to the questionnaire as PDF files.
By finalizing your project application, a form is created. Please sign it and send it to the Office for the Allocations of Computing Time, preferably by email - sending it additionally by regular mail is not necessary.
Project extensions
Write a project description with focus on new research aspects which will be covered in the upcoming computing time period. Please use the sample project description (PDF, Word, LaTeX). Additionally, please provide a status report which covers the results of the previous granting period of the project. Please use the provided sample status report (PDF, Word, LaTeX). The usage of the template is mandatory. Applications that do not use the required templates for the project description might be rejected. The status report must not exceed 10 pages (font 11pt) and the project description must not exceed 18 pages (font 11pt). Please note that the project description and status report have to be separate documents, because these reports might be read independently of the application process. The project description and the status report need to be uploaded to the web server as part of the electronic questionnaire in PDF (please do not include any other information in this file). Completeness and verifiability of these specifications will be considered during the assessment process. Missing information will lead to a reduction of granted computing time and possibly to the rejection of the proposal. If you wish to add supplementary information to your project description (e.g. articles that are not yet published), please compile it in another PDF file and upload it as part of the supplementary material.
Complete the electronic questionnaire and upload the project description as well as any additional documents to the questionnaire as PDF files.
By finalizing your project application, a form is created. Please sign it and send it to the Office for the Allocations of Computing Time, preferably by email - sending it additionally by regular mail is not necessary.
Reporting obligations - Final reports
Once a project is completed, the applicant is obliged to submit a final report, which is due four weeks after the end of the allocation period. Please use the sample documents (PDF, Word, LaTeX). The final report must not exceed 18 pages (font 11pt). To upload the final report, please log in here, choose the corresponding project and upload the document via the button "Add report".
Acknowledgement of VSR resources
Papers, presentations, and other publications containing results obtained with VSR resources must include proper acknowledgements and the HPC system(s) used must additionally be cited properly.
Acknowledgements for using VSR resources
VSR projects on JURECA
The authors gratefully acknowledge computing time on the supercomputer JURECA[1] at Forschungszentrum Jülich under grant no. <project acronym>.
[1] Jülich Supercomputing Centre. (2021). JURECA: Data Centric and Booster Modules implementing the Modular Supercomputing Architecture at Jülich Supercomputing Centre Journal of large-scale research facilities, 7, A182.