
With regard to the training needs of young scientists, the INM-7 is dedicated to the education of students and scientists.


Max Planck School of Cognition

The aim of the Max Planck School is to bring together the scientific excellence spread across various universities and research institutions in topic-related interdisciplinary networks and thus offer highly motivated students from Germany and around the world unique conditions for their career. Embedded in this unique network, excellent national and international university graduates can complete their fully funded doctorates and also benefit from excellent infrastructure, innovative teaching formats and interdisciplinary exchange.


IRTG 2150

We play a key role in the International Research Training Group “Neuronal Basis of the Modulation of Aggression and Impulsivity in the Context of Psychopathology” (IRTG 2150), which is made up of the Jülich-Aachen Research Alliance (JARA) and the renowned University of Pennsylvania in the USA. The Research Training Group serves the scientific-academic qualification of doctoral students in the field of clinical, translational, molecular and systemic neuroscience. Specifically, research into the topics of impulsivity and aggression will be expanded with methods of machine learning and big data analysis.


Master's program Translational Neurosciences

The aim of this program is to qualify students in the field of biomedical science through excellent training in an interdisciplinary research environment. As part of the teaching program, we lead two modules in which the methodological basics of neuroimaging and an overview of cognitive systems are taught. In addition, numerous students from this program complete their Master's thesis at INM-7 every year.

Last Modified: 18.10.2024