Virtual Office Hours

The INM-7 offers a wide range of expertise in the fields of machine learning, data management and smartphone-based data collection, as well as free software developed by us in these areas. Various working groups offer regular virtual office hours, which are open to outsiders. All office hours are coordinated in freely accessible Matrix chat rooms.

The institute's ML hours offer an opportunity to exchange on ML and AI topics with ML researchers, data scientists, and software  developers of the julearn and junifer libraries. If you are interested in joining, contact Dr. Fede Raimondo or Dr. Kaustubh Patil, and join the public chatroom on Matrix.

The DataLad Office Hour is a weekly call to discuss questions about data management and the software DataLad with the software development team. Anyone interested in joining is invited to the Matrix chat room.

For a virtual exchange on smartphone-based data acquisition and ecological momentary assessment (EMA) with the JTrack software ecosystem in the JTrack Hour, join the public Matrix channel .

Last Modified: 09.12.2024