Combined Rheo-IR measurements
The combination of oscillatory measurements of complex modules in the frequency domain with an extra analytical spectroscopic technique delivers an additional complementary information source for understanding processes in polymer materials. FT-IR is ideally suited to this, as it can determine structural changes in materials, in for example, reaction processes or inherent mechanisms. This is based on vibrational spectroscopy, by stimulating molecule particles with infrared light.
Based on certain characteristic vibrations of molecular units that are responsible for the processes being studied or significant macroscopic characteristics set out, a molecular fingerprint is acquired, which – if at the same time a mechanical disturbance is applied – provides, for example, an explanation of the complex dynamics of so-called supra-molecular polymers or superior structures. Recently, we have acquired a MARS III (Thermo Haake Scientific), connected to a ATR FT-IR (Nicolet).
• Mars III: Voltage-controlled rheometer with an FT-IR connection