Former PhD Students:
- 2024 - Dr. Anja Haags
"Advances in Photoemission Orbital Tomography" - 2023 - Dr. You-Ron Lin
"Structure of two-dimensional multilayers and topological superconductors: surfactant mediated growth, intercalation, and doping" - 2023 - Dr. David Cuma
"Multi-tip scanning tunneling potentiometry on thin bismuth films and topological insulators in a cryogenic system" - 2021 - Dr. Xiaosheng Yang
"Investigating the interaction between pi-conjugated organic molecules and metal surfaces with photoemission tomography" - 2021 - Dr. Arthur Leis
"Nanoscale four-point charger transport measurements in topological insulator thin films" - 2020 - Dr. Gerben van Straaten
"Geometric and electronic properties of heteromolecular organic monolayers on noble metal substrates studied by photoemission spectroscopy and X-ray standing waves" - 2018 - Dr. Janina Felter
"Different growth modes of molecular adsorbate systems and 2D materials investigated by low-energy electron microscopy" - 2018 - Dr. Matthew Green
"Creating and characterizing a single molecule device for quantitative surface science" - 2017 - Dr. Felix Lüpke
"Scanning tunneling potentiometry at nanoscale defects in thin films" - 2017 - Dr. Jessica Sforzini
"The influence of the substrate on the structure and electronic properties of carbon-based 2D materials" - 2016 - Dr. Hubertus Junker
"Charge transport measurements at GaAs-nanowires and development of a low-temperature four-tip scanning tunneling microscope" - 2015 - Dr. Sonja Schröder
"Structural and electronic characterization of hetero-organic NTCDA-CuPc adsorbate systems on Ag(111)" - 2015 - Dr. Kathrin Schönauer
"Structural and electronic investigations on homo- and hetero-organic layers involving CuPc on silver single crystal surfaces" - 2015 - Dr. Norman Fournier
"STM-based quantum transport through molecular wires" - 2015 - Dr. Caroline Henneke
"Kinetic and thermodynamis considerations on the formation of heteromolecular layers on metal surfaces" - 2015 - Dr. Richard Spiegelberg
"Entwicklung einer leistungsfähigen Detektions-Elektronik für die Multispitzen-Rastersondenmikroskopie zur Fehleranalyse an integrierten Schaltungen" - 2014 - Dr. Stefan Korte
"Ladungstransport durch Graphenschichten und GaAs-Nanodrähte untersucht mit einem Multispitzen-Rastertunnelmikroskop" - 2014 - Dr. Marcus Blab
"Ladungstransportmessungen an Si(111)-Oberflächen mit einem Multispitzen-Rastertunnelmikroskop" - 2014 - Dr. Martin Willenbockel
"Interacting interactions: A study on the interplay of molecule-molecule and molecule-substrate interactions at metal-organic interfaces" - 2014 - Dr. Georgy Kichin
"Submolecular imaging with single particle atomic force sensors" - 2013 - Dr. Benjamin Stadtmüller
"Study of intermolecular interactions in hetero-organic thin films" - 2013 - Dr. Christoph Kleimann
"Adsorption of (hetero-)organic phthalocyanine and PTCDA thin films on Ag(111)" - 2013 - Dr. Evgeniy Zubkov
"Aufbau einer Vierspitzen-Rastertunnelmikroskop/Rasterelektronenmikroskop-Kombination und Leitfähigkeitsmessungen an Silizid Nanodrähten" - 2012 - Dr. Christian Weiss
"STM beyond vacuum tunnelling: Scanning tunnelling hydrogen microscopy as a route to ultra-high resolution" - 2012 - Dr. Giuseppe Mercurio
"Study of molecule metal interfaces by means of the normal incidence x-ray standing wave technique" - 2010 - Dr. Olga Neucheva
"Investigation of a metal-organic interface - realization and understandin of a molecular switch" - 2009 - Dr. Konstantin Romanyuk
"Influence of the step properties on submonolayer growth of Ge and Si at the Si(111) surface" - 2009 - Dr. Michel Kazempoor
"Strukturuntersuchung organischer Moleküle auf Au(111)-Oberflächen" - 2007 - Dr. Neelima Paul
"Bi surfactant mediated growth for fabrication of Si, Ge nanostructures and investigation of Si, Ge intermixing by STM" - 2007 - Dr. Anna Strózecka
"Electronic and vibrational properties of fullerenes and metallofullerenes studied by STM and STS" - 2007 - Dr. Philipp Jaschinsky
"Kombinierte Rasterelektronen- und Mehr-Spitzen-Rastertunnelmikroskopie als Methode zur Ladungstransportmessung im Nanometerbereich" - 2003 - Dr. Markus Sulzberger
"Wachstum von dreidimensionalen Germaniuminseln auf unverspannten und verspannten Silizium(001)-Oberflächen"
Former Postdocs:
Dr. Sabine Wenzel (October 2021 - May 2024)
Dr. Jose Martinez-Castro
Dr. Jose Guevara
Dr. Yuqi Wang
Last Modified: 23.09.2024