Layered Quantum Systems
The banner image shows an atomically resolved STM topography of an assembled van der Waals heterostructure.
Van der Waals heterostructures enable the engineering of exotic quantum states by proximity effects. We use cutting-edge techniques for the fabrication of ultraclean heterostructures - a crucial requirement to study their properties with our state-of-the-art scanning probe microscopes.
Read more about the Young Investigator Group "Layered quantum systems".
Research Topics
- Assembly of van der Waals heterostructures
- Characterisation of topological states
- Proximity effects
Recent Publications
- J. K. Hofmann, H. Jeon, S. M. Hus, Y. Zhang, M. Zheng, T. Wichmann, A.-P. Li, J.-J. Zhou, Z. Wang, Y. Yao, B. Voigtländer, F. S. Tautz, and F. Lüpke, “Shear-resistant topology in quasi one-dimensional van der waals material Bi4Br4”, ArXiv:2411.13320 [cond-mat.mes-hall] (2024).
- H. Boban, M. Qahosh, X. Hou, T. Sobol, E. Beyer, M. Szczepanik, D. Baranowski, S. Mearini, V. Feyer, Y. Mokrousov, K. Jin, T. Wichmann, J. Martinez-Castro, M. Ternes, F. S. Tautz, F. Lüpke, C. M. Schneider, J. Henk, and L. Plucinski, “Scattering makes a difference in circular dichroic angle-resolved photoemission”, arXiv:2410.19652 cond-mat.mtrl-sci] (2024).
- K. Jin, T. Wichmann, S. Wenzel, T. Samuely, O. Onufriienko, P. Szabó, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, J. Yan, F. S. Tautz, F. Lüpke, M. Ternes, and J. Martinez-Castro, “Assembly of arbitrary designer heterostructures with atomically clean interfaces”, Adv. Mater. Interfaces 11, 2300658 (2023).
Last Modified: 24.01.2025