Emmy Noether Group: Layered Quantum Systems

Dr. Felix Lüpke has been admitted to the Emmy Noether Program by the German Research Foundation (DFG) in 2024. This funding opens up the opportunity for outstandingly qualified early-career researchers to qualify for a university professorship by independently leading a junior research group for a period of six years.

An important prerequisite for the funding is an excellent research project. Felix Lüpke was able to impress with his proposal. The title: “Manipulation of 2D Superconductivity and Majorana States on the Nanoscale.” The goal of the Emmy-Noether group is the realisation of novel superconductors in layered stacks built from individual layers only a few atoms thick. The production of such heterostructures is based on methods that Felix Lüpke and his team recently developed, among other places, at the Peter Grünberg Institute. In the superconductor layers, they want to investigate the localisation and control of so-called Majorana states, which promise potential applications in quantum computing.

Read more about the Emmy Noether Young Investigator Group "Layered quantum systems".


Dr. Felix LüpkeResearch group leader (Emmy Noether Group)Building 02.4w / Room 301+49 2461/61-6977
Dr. Amin KarimiPostdocBuilding 02.4w / Room 332+49 2461/61-4131
Abhisek KolePhD studentBuilding 02.4w / Room 329+49 2461/61-6977
Janine LorenzPhD studentBuilding 02.4w / Room 102+49 2461/61-8984
Last Modified: 10.09.2024