Team & Topics
Name | Position | Topic |
PhD student, 2020 | Multi-GPU multigrid for phase field problems | |
PhD student, 2021 | Fault-tolerant time integrators | |
Bachelor student, 2023 | ||
Research staff | GPU-accelerated iterative methods in space and time | |
Research staff | Parallel-in-Time integration techniques for fluid simulations | |
Team Leader | Time integration software | |
Division head | Parallel-in-Time integration with SDC and PFASST | |
Master student, 2024 | Nonlinear Domain decomposition methods for discontinuous Galerkin methods |
Name | Position | Topic |
Kyrill Ho | Master student from KIT, 2022-2023 | Spectral Deferred Correction for differential algebraic equations |
Timo Lenz | Master student, 2020-2022 | pySDC with CuPy on GPUs |
Dr. Hannah Rittich | Research staff, 2018-2022 | Parallel integrators for oscillatory problems |
Gayatri Čaklović | PhD student, 2018-2021 | Diagonalization-based parallelization in time |
Jan Grünenwald | Master student, 2020-2022 | SDC for phase field problems |
Isabel Heisters | Master student, 2018-2020 | Parareal in Julia with Singularity |
Gitte Kremling | Master student, 2018-2019 | Convergence Analysis for Multi-level Spectral Deferred Corrections |
Ruth Schöbel | PhD student, 2016-2019 | Nonlinear multigrid methods in time: Convergence and parallelization |
Alba Troci | Research assistant, 2018-2019 | Fault-tolerant time integration with spectral deferred corrections |
Stefan Kreutzer | Master student, 2015-2017 | Spectral Deferred Corrections und Finite Elemente: Die Rothe-Methode |
Marco Vaassen | Master student, 2015-2017 | Multigrid-driven spectral deferred corrections for stiff reaction-diffusion systems |
Dieter Moser | Master student, 2015-2017 | A multigrid perspective on the Parallel Full Approximation Scheme in Space and Time |
Torbjörn Klatt | Research assistant, 2013-2015 | Design and implementation of PFASST++ |
Selman Terzi | Master student, 2015 | Der hybride Parareal/SDC Algorithmus |
Jana Boltersdorf | Bachelor student, 2014 | Der hybride Parareal/SDC Algorithmus |
Dr. Mathias Winkel | Post doctoral assistant, 2012-2013 | A high-order Boris integrator |
Marina Weingartz | Master student, 2012-2014 | Spectral Deferred Corrections für das Slow-Wave-Fast-Wave-Problem |