SDL Climate Science

AIRS instrument shows ring-shaped waves due to the eruption of the Tonga volcano in January 2022.
  • Anthropogenic climate change poses a major risk for the Earth's ecosystem and is a threat for the means of livelihood for future generations.
  • Reliably predicting climate change is a grand challenge for the 21st century. Quantative understanding of the interactions of the various chemical and dynamical processes in the Earth's atmosphere is one of the main objectives of climate research.
  • Numerical Earth system models are indispensable tools to assess climate change. Comprehensive coupled models allow to study the manifold feedback mechanisms occurring in the atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere.
  • The development and maintenance of Earth system models is a challenge not only for scientists, who study the complex processes, but also for software engineers, who have to maintain efficiency of sophisticated algorithms with high demands on computational power, inter-process communication, and data transfer and storage.
  • The Simulation and Data Laboratory Climate Science provides support for a community of scientific institutions that are internationally known for their expertise on numerical modelling of the Earth system and predicting climate change.

Last Modified: 04.11.2024