JSC on "JUPITER, the first exascale computer in Europe" at Science Online

Last week, Benedikt von St. Vieth gave a lecture with exciting details about the JUPITER supercomputer as part of the FZJ's "Science Online" series. In this talk, he briefly introduces his audience to important basics: What is exascale? What is HPC? What are the hopes and expectations for the first European exascale supercomputer? He also describes the complex path of preparation (application, selection of manufacturers, planning), the successive installation and gives an outlook on the overall goal: implementing and using JUPITER at JSC with the aim of taking science and research to a new level through enormous computing power. He also looks at the impressive data and facts about JUPITER, which he explains in an understandable way for non-experts.

You can find the recorded lecture here: Aufzeichnung Wissenschaft Online (22.08.2024)

JSC Beitrag in "Wissenschaft Online": Vielseitige Einblicke in Planung, Meilensteine und Besonderheiten des Exascale Supercomputers JUPITER

Contact: Benedikt von St. Vieth (JSC)

In the FZJ format ‘Science Online’, researchers present their work in a video conference every Thursday afternoon. The event is designed to be interactive - a lively exchange is more than welcome.

Take a look at the upcoming topics and dates at: Wissenschaft online (fz-juelich.de)

Last Modified: 30.09.2024