4-circle diffractometer

4-circle Huber single crystal diffractometer with an Eulerian cradle operates at a standard CuKα source in combination with Goebel mirrors. An analyser crystal mounted before the scintillation counter warrants the measurement of highly resolved data. In addition, the beam path can be evacuated, so that an optimal peak-to-background ratio is achieved. The instrument is thus optimized for high resolution reciprocal space mapping, in particular on thin sections. A closed cycle He-cryostat (Advanced Research Systems) permits investigations in the temperature range from 300 K to 6.5 K. 

4-circle diffractometer at JCNS.
Forschungszentrum Jülich

Location: Geb. Nr. 4.6, Room No.: A - 003, Ph: 8699


apl. Prof. Dr. Karen Friese

JCNS-2: Acting Institute Director Lecturer and Private Docent in Crystallography at RWTH Aachen University

  • Jülich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS)
  • Quantum Materials and Collective Phenomena (JCNS-2)
Building 04.8 /
Room 304
+49 2461/61-3826

Paul Zakalek

JCNS-2/JCNS-HBS: Head of Department for High Brilliance Neutron Source Project (HBS)

  • Jülich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS)
  • Quantum Materials and Collective Phenomena (JCNS-2)
Building 04.8 /
Room R 204
+49 2461/61-3141

Last Modified: 20.06.2022