Weyl semimetals
In Weyl Semimetals, the valance and conduction band touch near the Fermi level at discrete values of crystal momenta in 3D non-centrosymmetric or magnetic materials where either space inversion or time-reversal symmetry is broken.
At present, we have an elementary theoretical understanding of the nature of the Weyl semimetal, and several experimental signatures are being studied, that include, Fermi arc as a topological surface state, and the so-called ‘chiral anomaly’ manifesting itself in anomalous Hall effect or negative longitudinal magnetoresistance.
Our primary research focuses on the magnetic Weyl semimetals where the time-reversal symmetry is broken. We study the interplay between the magnetic order and topological quantum properties employing neutron, magnetic x-ray, and in-house characterization techniques.
Our study will shed light on the fundamental properties of the Weyl semimetals and their dependence on the underlying magnetic symmetry of the lattice. Since the topological quantum properties can be controlled via small magnetic fields at room temperature for the Weyl semimetals, these materials can serve as a promising candidate for future spintronic devices.
Dr. Shibabrata Nandi
JCNS-2: Scientific Staff "Lecturer and Private Docent in Physics at RWTH Aachen University"
- Jülich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS)
- Quantum Materials and Collective Phenomena (JCNS-2)
Room 306
1. V. Rai, S. Jana, J. Perßon, S. Nandi
Weyl points and anomalous transport effects tune by the Fe doping in Mn3Ge Weyl semimetal,
New J. Phys. 26, 033043 (2024).
2. V. Rai, A. Stunault, W. Schmidt, S. Jana, J. Perßon, J.-R. Soh, Th. Brückel, and S. Nandi
Anomalous Hall effect and magnetic structure of the topological semimetal (Mn0.78Fe0.22)3Ge,
Phys. Rev. B 107, 184413 (2023) .
3. V. Rai, S. Jana, M. Meven, R.Dutta, J.Perßon, S. Nandi
Unconventional magnetoresistance and electronic transition in Weyl semimetal,
Phys. Rev. B 106, 195114 (2022).
4. X. Wang, F. Zhu, X. Yang, M. Meven, X. Mi, C. Yi, J. Song, T. Mueller, W. Schmidt, K. Schmalzl, E. Ressouche,J. Xu, M. He, Y. Shi, W. Feng, Y. Mokrousov, S. Blügel, G. Roth, Y. Su
Flat band-engineered spin-density wave and the emergent multi- magnetic state in the topological kagome metal Mn3Sn
arXiv:2306.04312, 2023
5. Henrik Thoma , Rajesh Dutta , Vladimir Hutanu , Veronica Granata,Rosalba Fittipaldi, Qiang Zhang , Jeffrey W. Lynn , Petr Čermák , Nazir Khan,Shibabrata Nandi, Manuel Angst ,
Multiferroic quantum materialBa2Cu1−xMnxGe2O7 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) as a potential candidate for frustrated Heisenberg antiferromagnet, npj Quantum Materials 9, 58 (2024)