GALAXI - High resolution diffractometer for GISAXS

GALAXI (Gallium Anode Low-Angle X-ray Instrument) is a small angle X-ray diffractometer that has been designed to serve the needs of small angle scattering at grazing incidence (GISAXS). GALAXI is useful for the investigation of structures in the order of D = 2 π/Q = 2 … 100 nm, even if the structures are deposited on a substrate that is not transparent for X-rays. GALAXI uses the Bruker AXS Metaljet X-ray source, the laboratory X-ray source with the highest brilliance available today. Using parabolic optics, the X-ray beam is directed through the 4 m long collimation. The sample can be adjusted in the beam with 2 translational and 2 rotational degrees of freedom. As a small angle detector, we use the Dectris Pilatus 1M. Its impressively low background allows 6 orders of magnitude signal/noise within a single detector image. The detector distance can be adjusted between ca. 80 cm and 350 cm to adapt the angular range and resolution to the requirements of the experiment. The beam path is evacuated from the source up to the detector, and the samples are also located in the vacuum area.

GALAXI diffractometer with the longest detector distance available. The X-ray source is located behind the wall, the detector is at the left-hand side.
Forschungszentrum Jülich

Location: Geb. Nr. 4.6, Room No.: A - 035, Ph: 4026

GALAXI is used for the investigation of:

  • the structure of self-organized nanoparticle assemblies
  • size distribution of nanoparticles in solution
  • the structure of liquid crystals
SAXS from magnetic nanoparticles of cubic shape. (Collaboration with D. Dresen and S. Disch, University of Cologne)
Forschungszentrum Jülich

GISAXS measurement from an assembly of magnetic nanoparticles of cubic shape deposited on a substrate. (E. Josten et al. Nanoscale Horizons 5, 1065 (2020))
Forschungszentrum Jülich


Jülich Center for Neutron Science. (2016). GALAXI: Gallium anode low-angle x-ray instrument. 
Journal of large-scale research facilities, 2 , A61.


Dr. Emmanuel Kentzinger

JCNS-2: Scientific Staff

  • Jülich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS)
  • Quantum Materials and Collective Phenomena (JCNS-2)
Building 04.8 /
Room 325A
+49 2461/61-3139

Dr. Ulrich Rücker

JCNS-2 / JCNS-HBS: Scientific Staff High Brilliance Neutron Source Project (HBS) Authorised representative for radiation protection; B-SSB for X-ray instrumentation in JCNS

  • Jülich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS)
  • Quantum Materials and Collective Phenomena (JCNS-2)
Building 04.8 /
Room 202
+49 2461/61-6896

Dr. Margarita Kruteva

Senior Scientist

  • Jülich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS)
  • Neutron Scattering and Soft Matter (JCNS-1)
Building 04.8 /
Room R 327
+49 2461/61-1838

Last Modified: 02.01.2025