Bruker AXS reflectometer

The Bruker D8 Advance is frequently used to analyze thin film samples with regard to film thickness as well as surface and interface roughness, and to analyze the out-of-plane crystallinity. Bruker AXS reflectometer is equipped with two Göbel mirrors before and after the sample. It allows for the fast characterization of thin film samples.  The reflectivity measurement requires a highly collimated beam, and thus both Göbel mirrors are usually used. The diffractometry measurement requires a monochromatic beam which is achieved by an installed channel cut monochromator. This monochromator reduces the available intensity by a factor of 10, but is necessary for the precise diffractometry measurements. Thus, the current configuration is a compromise for both measurement modes. The instrument's wavelength is 1.54055 Å, corresponding to the Cu-Kα1 transition. 

Bruker AXS reflectometer at JCNS 2/ PGI 4
Forschungszentrum Jülich

Location: Geb. Nr. 4.6, Room No.: A - 003, Ph: 8699


Ulrich Rücker
Phone:  +49 2461 61-6896  


Last Modified: 23.08.2022