Latest Publications

Ethane as a Neutron Moderator at Cryogenic Temperatures
M. El Barbari et al., EPJ Web of Conf., 298, 01003 (2024)

Conceptual design of a macromolecular diffractometer for the Jülich high brilliance source
Z. Ma et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum., 95, 065104 (2024)

Development of neutron reflectometry for a HiCANS: the HERMES instrument at the JULIC Neutron Platform
M.A. Paulin et al., EPJ Web of Conf., 298, 01001 (2024)

Thermal moderator-reflector assembly for HBS
U. Rücker et al., EPJ Web of Conf., 298, 05008 (2024)

Investigation of the mutual influence of multiple extraction channels for high-current accelerator-based neutron sources
D. Shabanin et al., EPJ Web of Conf., 298, 03002 (2024)

The JULIC Neutron Platform, a testbed for HBS
P. Zakalek et al., EPJ Web of Conf., 298, 05003 (2024)

An Instrument Suite for the HBS
J. Voigt, K. Lieutenant, EPJ Web of Conf., 298, 01004 (2024)

Beam Dynamics Studies for the Target Beamlines of the High Brilliance Neutron Source
A. Lehrach et al., J. Phys.:Conf. Ser., 2687, 042011 (2024)

The HERMES reflectometer at the JULIC Neutron Platform
M. A. Paulin et al., EPJ Web of Conf., 286, 03003 (2023)

Thermal moderator-reflector design of the 24 Hz target station for the High Brilliance Neutron Source
J. Chen et al., EPJ Web of Conf., 286, 02005 (2023)

The High Brilliance Neutron Source Target Stations
P. Zakalek et al., EPJ Web of Conf., 286, 02004 (2023)

The High Brilliance neutron Source (HBS): A project for a next generation neutron research facility
T. Brückel et al., EPJ Web of Conf., 286, 02003 (2023)

Brillante Neutronenstrahlen - Eine neue Generation von Neutronenquellen für Wissenschaft und Industrie
T. Brückel et al., Physik Journal, 22, 29-35 (2023)

An optimized microchannel Ta target for high-current accelerator-driven neutron sources
Q. Ding et al., Nucl. Instr. meth. A, 1045, 167508 (2023)

DiffMod – statistical 2D simulation model of neutron propagation and moderation
U. Rücker et al., J. Neutr. Res., 25, 53-60 (2023)

Instrumentation Workshop - Best Instruments for the Future Neutron Facility HBS
T. Gutberlet, J. Voigt, Neutron News, 33, 2-3 (2022)

The GISANS instrument at the HBS
S. Jaksch et al., Nucl. Instr. Meth. A, 1048, 167919 (2023)

Proton Linac Design for the High Brilliance Neutron Source HBS
M. Schwarz et al., Proc. 13th Int. Particle Acc. Conf. IPAC2022 (2022)

High Power RF-Cavity Development for the HBS-Driver LINAC
M. Basten et al., Proc. 13th Int. Particle Acc. Conf. IPAC2022 (2022)

Monte Carlo simulation of proton- and neutron induced radiation damage ina tantalum target irradiated at 70 MeV protons
N. Ophoven et al., Appl. Phys. A, 127, 576 (2021)

Performance of neutron guide systems for low energy accelerator-driven neutron facilities
Z. Ma et al., Nucl. Instr. Meth. A, 1009, 165479 (2021)

Developments of a multiplexer system for the High-Brilliance Neutron Source HBS
M. Rimmler et al. J. Neutr. Res., 23, 143-156 (2021)

Tailoring neutron beam properties by target-moderator-reflector optimisation
P. Zakalek et al., J. Neutr. Res., 23, 185-200 (2021)

Determination of the neutron yield of Be, V and Ta targets irradiated with protons (22-42MeV) by means of prompt gamma neutron activation analysis
J. Baggemann et al., Nucl. Instr. Meth. A, 990, 164989 (2021)

Sustainable neutrons for today and tomorrow—The Jülich High Brilliance neutron Source project
T. Gutberlet et al., Neutron News, 31, 37-43 (2020)

Low energy accelerator-driven neutron facilities—A prospect for a brighter future for research with neutrons
T. Brückel et al., Neutron News, 31, 13-18 (2020)

Conceptual Design Report Jülich High Brilliance Neutron Source (HBS) (PDF, 10 MB)
T. Brückel, T. Gutberlet (Eds.), Schriften des Forschungszentrum Jülich, General, Vol.8 (2020)

Energy and target material dependence of the neutron yield induced by proton and deuteron bombardment
P. Zakalek et al., EPJ Web of Conf., 231, 03006 (2020)

Cryostat for the provision of liquid hydrogen with a variable ortho-para ratio for a low-dimensional cold neutron moderator
S. Eisenhut et al., EPJ Web of Conf., 231, 04001 (2020)

Proton Beam Multiplexer Developments for Multi-Target Operation at the
High-Brilliance Neutron Source HBS
M. Rimmler, et al., EPJ Web of Conf., 231, 02002 (2020)

Recent Extensions of JULIC for HBS Investigations
O. Felden et al., Proc. Cyclotrons'19, Cape Town, South Africa, 195-198 (2019)

High-brilliance neutron source project
P. Zakalek et al., Proc. HIAT'18, Lanzhou, China, 117-121 (2019)

Conceptual Design of the Proton LINAC for the High Brilliance Neutron Source HBS
H. Podlech et al., Proc. IPAC'19, Melbourne, Australia, 910-913 (2019)

The Jülich high brilliance neutron source project
T. Gutberlet et al., Physica B, 570, 345-348 (2019)

Parametric study and design improvements for the target of NOVA ERA
P.-E. Doege et al., J. Neutron Res., 20, 47-54 (2018)

Workhorse scattering instruments for low power compact
accelerator driven neutron sources
P. Zakalek et al., JPS Conf. Proc. 22, 011025 (2018)

Temperature profiles inside a target irradiated with protons or deuterons for the development of a compact accelerator driven neutron source
P. Zakalek et al., Physics B, 551, 484-487 (2018)

Compact and easy to use mesitylene cold neutron moderator for CANS
T. Cronert et al., Physics B, 551, 377-380 (2018)

Spectrometers for compact neutron sources
J. Voigt et al., Nucl. Instr. Meth. A, 884, 59 (2018)

Conceptual Design Report NOVA ERA (PDF, 14 MB)
E. Mauerhofer et al., Schriften des Forschungszentrum Jülich, General, Vol.7 (2017)

Towards Compact Accelerator Driven Neutronsources for Europe
T. Gutberlet et al., Neutron News, 28, 20-25 (2017)

The Jülich high-brilliance neutron source project
U. Rücker et al., Eur. Phys. J. Plus, 131, 19 (2016)

Last Modified: 30.07.2024