Teaching & Theses


 Position University

Prof. Dr. Manuel Angst

Junior Professor in Experimental Physics
(Jülich Model)
Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences
Fachbereich Physik
RWTH Aachen University

apl. Prof. Dr. Karen Friese

Lecturer and Private Docent in Crystallography

Institute for Crystallography Faculty of Georesources and Materials Engineering RWTH Aachen University

PD Dr. Jingjing Li

Lecturer and Private Docent in Radiation SafetyFaculty of Chemistry & Biotechnology
FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences

PD Dr. Shibabrata Nandi

Lecturer and Private Docent in PhysicsFaculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences
RWTH Aachen University

PD Dr. Oleg Petracic

Lecturer and private Docent in Experimental Physics

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf

Prof. Brückel with PhD students from his institute at the JuDocs Ceremony 2019 in Jülich.
Forschungszentrum Jülich

Ph.D. and Diploma Theses

A list of completed theses is available here.

Last Modified: 23.09.2024