HBS Technical Design Report published
by Thomas Gutberlet, JCNS
The High Brilliance neutron Source (HBS) project is developing a High-Current Accelerator-driven Neutron Source (HiCANS) as a next generation neutron source for the benefit of science and industry to search and probe new materials, understand the structure and dynamics of matter, visualize complex systems or provide chemical analysis in our environment.
A Conceptual Design Report (CDR) on the design and outline of the HBS facility was published in 2020 and is now followed with a detailed Technical Design Report (TDR) to describe the technical feasibility and requirements to build a High Brilliance neutron Source facility as a next generation neutron source.
The TDR is comprised of five separate reports describing the accelerator (Vol. 1), the target and moderator systems (Vol. 2), the instrumentation at the facility (Vol. 3), the infrastructure and sustainability (Vol. 4) and an overview report (Vol. 5) setting the TDR in the context of the opportunities for research with neutrons at HBS.
The different volumes of the TDR have been written by collaborative efforts of a large group of experts in the different fields from various universities, national and international research centres and consultant agencies. The reports are available as publications within the Schriften des Forschungszentrums Jülich and can be downloaded electronically on the HBS webpage.