Course material: Introduction to Supercomputing at JSC - Theory and Practice (November 2022)

The course material consists of slides in PDF format. Most of the talks were video-recorded, see below.





Publication Date

Slides of the talk by Bernd Mohr
No date
Slides of the talk by Ilya Zhukov
No date
Slides of the talk by Jolanta Zjupa
No date
Slides of the talk by Jens Henrik Göbbert
No date
Slides of the talk by Stefan Graf
No date
Slides of the talk by Damian Alvarez
No date
Slides of the talk by Ruth Schöbel
No date
Slides of the talk by Chrysovalantis Paschoulas
No date
Slides of the talk by Michael Knobloch
No date
Slides of the talk by Heinrich Bockhorst (Intel)
No date
Slides of the talk by Thorsten Hater
No date
Slides of the talk by Andreas Herten
No date
Slides of the talk by Herwig Zilken
No date
Slides of the talk by Thomas Warschko (Atos)
No date
Slides of the talk by Alexandre Strube
No date
Slides of the talk by Patrick Küven (ParTec)
No date
Introduction to Supercomputing at JSC - Hands on Training
No date




Welcome and Introduction to JSC

Video (363 MB)

HPC in a nutshell

Video (566 MB)

Job Monitoring and User Portal

Video (765 MB)

JupyterLab - Supercomputing in Your Browser

Video (739 MB)

JUST - Jülich Storage Cluster

Video (536 MB)


Video (566 MB)

HPC Software – Modules, Libraries & Software

Video (286 MB)

Batch Usage on JSC - Introduction to Slurm

Video (659 MB)

HPC software – debugger and performance analysis tools

Video (1.2 GB)

Uniform Resource Access - Compute and Cloud Resources at JSC

Video (435 MB)

Intel Tuning for JUWELS and JURECA

Video (1.1 GB)

Proper pinning prevents pretty poor performance

Video (319 MB)

GPU accellerators at JSC

Video (648 MB)

Remote Visualization at JSC (with ParaView)

Video (1.4 GB)

JUWELS & JURECA Tuning for the platform

Video (335 MB)

Deep Learning on Supercomputers

Video (536 MB)

Last Modified: 14.12.2022