Introduction to Supercomputing at JSC - Theory & Practice (training course, online)

30th May 2023 11:00 AM
2nd June 2023 10:00 AM

Ilya Zhukov, Jolanta Zjupa

(Course no. 12520231 in the training programme 2023 of Forschungszentrum Jülich)

This course will take place as an online event and is exclusively targeted for users of the Jülich supercomputers. The link to the streaming platform will be provided to the registrants only.


Research Centre Jülich provides cutting-edge high-performance computing resources to scientific groups and industry partners across Germany and Europe via the John von Neumann Institute for Computing. To help new users of JSC's supercomputers efficiently leverage their allocated resources, we offer an introductory course that covers system basics and best practices.

The course includes theoretical lectures held every afternoon from Tuesday to Thursday, and practical tutorials offered in the mornings from Wednesday to Friday. The tutorials are based on the previous afternoon's lectures and allow participants to put theory into practice. We cover a wide range of topics, starting from basic log-in procedures to intermediate-level techniques. Participants are free to choose the lectures that best match their needs and interests.

Topics covered include:

  • User account management with the JuDoor portal
  • System access via SSH, Jupyter, and UNICORE
  • System configuration for JURECA and JUWELS
  • File systems, I/O, and data management
  • Software modules (compilers, MPI, math libraries, applications, debuggers, tools)
  • Building software from source
  • Submitting jobs via the resource manager
  • Using GPUs
  • Performance tuning
  • Visualization

Contents level

in hours

in %

Beginner's contents:

17 h

80 %

Intermediate contents:

4 h

20 %

Advanced contents:

0 h

0 %

Community-targeted contents:

0 h

0 %


  • Your own laptop with Windows, GNU/Linux or macOS installed
  • Knowledge of either C, C++ or Fortran (helpful)


The preliminary agenda can be found on the registration page.

Target audience:

New users of the supercomputers in Jülich


This course is given in English.


Three days


Tuesday 30 May: 13:00-17:30
Wednesday 31 May & Thursday 1 June: 09:00-17:30
Friday 2 June: 09:00-12:00



Number of Participants:

maximum 100


JSC employees, representatives of Atos, Intel and ParTec


  • Institute for Advanced Simulation (IAS)
  • Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC)
Building 16.3 /
Room 323
+49 2461/61-2054
  • Institute for Advanced Simulation (IAS)
  • Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC)
Building 16.3 /
Room 324
+49 2461/61-85998

Course material




Publication Date

Slides of the talk by Ilya Zhukov
No date
Slides of the talk by Bernd Mohr
No date
Slides of the talk by Ilya Zhukov
No date
Slides of the talk by Jolanta Zjupa
No date
Slides of the talk by Jens Henrik Göbbert
No date
Slides of the talk by Stephan Graf
No date
Slides of the talk by Sebastian Achilles
No date
Slides of the talk by Thorsten Hater
No date
Slides of the talk by Chrysovalantis Paschoulas
No date
Slides of the talk by Heinrich Bockhorst
No date
Slides of the talk by Andreas Herten
No date
Slides of the talk by Herwig Zilken
No date
Slides of the talk by Frank Robel
No date
Tools Demo by Michael Knobloch
No date
Slides of the talk by Ruth Schöbel
No date



Welcome and Introduction to JSC

Video (358 MB)

HPC in a nutshell

Video (660 MB)

Job Monitoring and User Portal

Video (810 MB)

JupyterLab - Supercomputing in Your Browser

Video (666 MB)

JUST - Jülich Storage Cluster

Video (515 MB)


Video (501 MB)

Uniform Resource Access - Compute and Cloud Resources at JSC

Video (480 MB)

HPC Software – Modules, Libraries & Software

Video (286 MB)

Batch Usage on JSC - Introduction to Slurm

Video (613 MB)

Intel Tuning for JUWELS and JURECA

Video (1.3 GB)

Deep Learning on Supercomputers

Video (725 MB), slides

Remote Visualization at JSC (with ParaView)

Video (1.2 GB)

HPC software – debugger and performance analysis tools

Video (903 MB)

JUWELS & JURECA - Tuning for the platform, Usage of ParaStation MPI

Video (656 MB)

GPU accellerators at JSC

Video (462 MB)

Proper pinning prevents pretty poor performance

Video (276 MB)

Tools Demo: BT-MZ with Score-P

Video (2 GB)

Last Modified: 26.06.2023