Your preferred interview dates

(for internal applicants only)

We decide about the acceptance of applicants that already hold or have been accepted for a Ph.D. position in one of the IHRS BioSoft member institutes based on the application documents, the recommendation letters, and a talk on your previous research that is followed by a discussion with our faculty members. Scientific questions in the discussion can be directly about your talk and more general scientific questions. Non-scientific questions can, for example, be about your application documents and your motivation to apply to become a fellow of the IHRS BioSoft. Usually, we will decide about your admission directly after the end of the application round.

In the application talk in English language, you will present in twenty minutes your own research during your master thesis project or-if you have already worked for a couple of months on your Ph.D. project-your research for the Ph.D. In the latter case, it is advisable to focus on either the master's or the Ph.D. thesis project and mention the other project either not at all or only short during your talk.

Your audience will be similarly interdisciplinary as in our Student's Seminar, but instead of to our fellows you will talk to our faculty. However, the requirements are--as for a Student's Seminar talk--that you present your own (preliminary) results and that you aim to address not only scientists in your field but neuroscientists, physicists, chemists, and biologists.

Your application round will take place either as a hybrid or as a Zoom meeting. Please use the form below to submit three suggestions for a date and two-hour time slots when you, your direct advisor, and your institute director are available - the earliest in four weeks from today. The three slots should not be on the same or on consecutive days. We will then assemble a committee of faculty members and confirm one of your dates.

Suggested dates (earliest in four weeks from today)

Last Modified: 01.05.2023