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Winter 17/18
▶ Statistical Mechanics II (J. K. G. Dhont and G. Gompper, ICS)
Lab Courses:
▶ Evolution and Genetics (J. Berg and B. Maier, University of Cologne)
Other Courses:
▶ Scientific Writing (U. B. Kaupp, Molecular Sensory Systems)
▶ IFF Spring School: Physics of Life (J.K.G. Dhont, J. Elgeti, C. Fahlke, D. Fedosov, S. Förster, G. Gompper, P. Lettinga, and A. Offenhäusser, ICS)
Biomolecular machines (C. Abaurrea Velasco, C. Alleva, D. Petrovic, ICS)
Transferable Skills Courses and Career Development Offers:
▶ 1st-year Helmholtz Transferable Skills Course
▶ 3rd-year Helmholtz Transferable Skills Course
▶ Face Changes! Seminar on Career Paths and More
Last Modified: 12.10.2022