Winter 19/20
▶ Scientific Image Processing (S. Irsen, Molecular Sensory Systems, H. Scharr, Plant Sciences, J. Jitsev and K. Krajsek, Jülich Supercomputing Centre, F. Rhiem and J. Heinen, Scientific IT Systems)
▶ Phase Separation in Cells: Biomolecular Condensates as Organisers of Cellular Biochemistry (G. Gompper, Theoretical Soft Matter and Biophysics and C.A.M. Seidel, Molecular Physical Chemistry)
Lab Courses:
Transferable Skills Courses and Career Development Offers:
▶ 1st-year Helmholtz Transferable Skills Course
▶ 3rd-year Helmholtz Transferable Skills Course
▶ Face Changes! Seminar on Career Paths and More
Last Modified: 12.10.2022