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If you work anywhere in the world, and would like to learn about offers that you can join even though you might be based far away, you may want to join join the ihrs_biosoft@fz-... mailing list! You will should receive not more than 2-3 emails a year. You can ask for to be added to the list by completing the form below or register yourself. To manage your subscription, email "subscribe" or "unsubscribe" to
If you do work in one of the IHRS BioSoft member institutions in Aachen, Bonn, Cologne, Düsseldorf or Jülich but are not (yet?) a fellow, many more offers than those that are announced via ihrs_biosoft@fz-... may be of interest to you. Best email us and ask to be added to the students_biosoft@fz-... email list! Please add information on which group you are based at to your email.
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If you work at or are affiliated with one of our member institutions RWTH Aachen, HHU Düsseldorf, University of Cologne, or MPINB Bonn, you most probably want to join a different email list. See explanations above for more details!