Soft Matter

Soft Matter encompasses all kinds of macromolecular assemblies of polymeric, colloidal, or amphiphilic character. The aim of Soft Matter research is to understand the cooperative behaviour of systems with many interacting degrees of freedom. Of particular interest are the non-equilibrium behaviour and the response to external fields.

The pictures on this page only represent a small selection of systems studied by the groups that participate in the IHRS BioSoft. If you are mainly interested in synthetic systems, have a look at the research projects in the groups of Prof. Dhont, Prof. Egelhaaf, Prof. Gompper, Prof. Gompper, Dr. Wischnewski, Prof. Seidel, Prof. Schmidt and Prof. Richtering.

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@ Aachen, Bonn, Cologne, Düsseldorf, and Jülich

Last Modified: 12.10.2022