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Summer 15
▶ Standard Techniques in Biochemistry and Biophysics (J. Fitter, G. Schröder, B. König, W. Hoyer, and K. Reiß, ICS)
Lab Courses:
▶ Neutron Scattering (D, Richter, A. Wischnewski, R. Zorn et al., ICS)
▶ Biospectroscopy (T. Züchner and J. Fitter, ICS)
Other courses and lectures:
▶ Scientific Writing (U. B. Kaupp, Molecular Sensory Systems)
Transferable Skills Courses
▶ 1st-year Helmholtz Transferable Skills Course
▶ 2nd-year Helmholtz Transferable Skills Course
▶ 3rd-year Helmholtz Transferable Skills Course
Last Modified: 12.10.2022