Student's Seminar Summer 2021

(20-minute talks followed by 20-minute discussions)

Wednesday, 26th May 2021

09:30-10:10Kai Korsching
(Molecular Sensory Systems)
Sperm guidance in zebrafish
10:15-11:40Laura Schmitt and Isabelle WielertIntroduction to "Methods in Life Sciences and Soft Matter"

Wednesday, 16th June 2021

9:30-10:10Luman Haris
(Neutron Scattering and Biological Matter)
Conformational change and internal dynamics of IDPs probed with X-ray/Neutron scattering
10:15-10:55Olessya Yukhnovets
(Biophysics - Aachen)
Two-color coincidence detection for high-affinity binding quantification

Wednesday, 30th June 2021

9:30-10:10Isabelle Wielert
(Biophysics - Cologne)
Pilus dynamics and single-cell interactions for N. gonorrhoeae under antibiotic treatment
10:15-10:55Juan Sierra
(Molecular and Cellular Physiology)
The role of the chloride-proton exchanger 3 CLC-3 in pain perception

Wednesday, 14th July 2021

9:30-10:10Julian Folz
(Molecular Physical Chemistry)
FRET measurements resolving structure, dynamics, and transitions of biomolecules

Wednesday, 28th July 2021

10:15-10:55Caroline Marciniak
(Physics of Soft Matter)
Formation of structures with a digital micromirror device
11:00-11:40Tanja Hamacher
Diffusion in the extracellular space of the mouse brain
Last Modified: 12.10.2022