New reference system - JuSER Replaces VDB and JUWEL

JuSER, the new reference system for publications from Forschungszentrum Jülich, is now online. Users will have read-only access to JUWEL and VDB until 31 December 2012.


The JuSER publications portal, which went online on 19 November 2012, is easier to use than its predecessors.


JuSER (Juelich Shared Electronic Resources) replaces the VDB publications database and the JUWEL open access server, and will be the central reference system for the results of research at Jülich. Users will have read-only access to the old systems until the end of the year

JuSER is designed for both traditional publications and e-only publications. It meets and exceeds a number of new requirements. JuSER references scientific publications by employees of Forschungszentrum Jülich and provides open access to these publications. It also displays institute collections and can be used to create publication lists. By referencing publications in JuSER, Jülich scientists meet the DFG’s Guidelines for the Use of Funds and the requirements of the EU Framework Programme for Research.

JuSER’s easy-to-use functions are geared towards the needs of its users.

Entries can be searched and search results narrowed down by collections. It is possible to search the publications database, the institute collections, the open-access server, authority records, and documents to be published. Search results can be customized in a number of ways and exported into common formats for reference management software, such as EndNote and BibTeX. Several other formats are also available for data processing.

Submitting publications for the publications database has also become much easier than before. JuSER can import existing data from other databases, which simplifies the process of entering data. In many organizational units, employees can now make entries in the database themselves as soon as their publications have been published. The person in charge of the institute library and the Central Library will then check the entries for completeness before they are referenced in JuSER.

A wide range of functions allow users to personalize JuSER, which can also be used as a tool in cooperating with colleagues. Individuals and groups can collect, edit, and comment on internal and external literature for projects and institutes in private, protected workspaces.

JuSER has been developed in close cooperation between the Central Library of Forschungszentrum Jülich and the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) as well as the libraries of Deutsches Elektronensynchrotron (DESY), GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung (GSI), and RWTH Aachen University.

JuSER helpdesk:
Heike Lexis
Scientific Publishing team at the Central Library

Last Modified: 11.11.2022