Open Science

Open Science aims to make all of the information created during the scientific research process accessible. The idea is to make research findings transparent and reusable, while simultaneously strengthening the collaboration between science and society. Open Science comprises the following areas:

Open Science at Forschungszentrum Jülich

The Central Library supports employees of Forschungszentrum Jülich in implementing open science. It offers the following services:

  • Open access
  • Research data management
  • Research software

Jülich Open Science Speaker Series

The Central Library invites all scientists at Jülich, Helmholtz and our international guests to join the conversation on current developments in Open Science.

Every two weeks, since November 2023, we will invite prominent members of the global open science community who will discuss their efforts to advance the goals of Open Science.


The Central Library is actively involved in the following initiatives:

The open science contacts in the Helmholtz centres can be found on the “Open Science in the Helmholtz Association” overview page.
Helmholtz Association – Open Science – Stakeholders and their functions

Last Modified: 26.04.2024