Publication Fund / Publication Charges
Services offered by the Central Library
On 13 December 2022, the Board of Directors agreed upon a new Open Access (OA) Strategy for Forschungszentrum Jülich, which will enter into force on 1 January 2023. From 2023 – in contrast to the previous Open Access Strategy – article processing charges (APCs) for gold open access journals will only be covered up to the amount of € 3,000 by the publication fund managed by the Central Library (ZB) when the corresponding author is from Forschungszentrum Jülich. Previously, APCs for gold OA journals were covered in full by the fund when the corresponding author was from Forschungszentrum Jülich. For gold OA monographs, APCs up to the amount of € 5,000 will be paid.
If several authors or editors from different institutions (e.g. other research institutions or universities) are involved, the costs should ideally be shared between the various institutions.Hybrid open access APCs will only be covered by the publication fund managed by ZB when the contribution is published in a journal that is part of a transformative agreement. ZB provides you with regular information on these agreements and with lists of journals for which open access fees are covered. Please see the webpage on open access cooperation for up-to-date information on our agreements with the respective publishers.
Costs of gold open access publications are covered by ZB (publication fund).
Article processing charges (APC) | These charges apply to the publication of articles in scientific journals. |
Charges for subscription journals, including hybrid open access, will not paid for by ZB.
Page charges | Some publishers charge a fee per page of the publication. Other publishers charge extra per page if it exceeds the standard length, in addition to the article processing charge. |
Colour Charges | Additional high fees are often charged for printing images and illustrations in colour. |
PDF file of the publication | The publisher’s version of the article will not be covered. |
Cover Illustrations | Publishers are increasingly suggesting that cover illustrations be commissioned to supplement articles. The ZB will not pay these fees. It has not been verified that cover illustrations lead to increased visibility for an article. |
Offprints | The charges for copies of an article in paper form will not be covered. |
Hybrid open access fees | Publishers charge fees to provide open access to individual articles published through the traditional publication process. The Central Library does not cover these charges. |
ZB takes care of the orders and processing of invoices for publication charges, no matter whether the charges are covered by ZB or by the corresponding author’s cost centre. Make sure that you complete each step on the checklist provided (entitled ‘Publication Charges/Page Charges’).
Please use the most up-to-date versions of the forms required. FZJ-Intranet:
Checklist – Publication charges (17. July 2023, PDF, 33 KB)
Publication Directive of Forschungszentrum Jülich (for information purposes)
Veröffentlichungsrichtlinien des Forschungszentrums Jülich GmbH (14. July 2020, PDF, 58 KB) (in German)
Formular – Genehmigung von Veröffentlichungen / Approval of Publications (November 2014, PDF, 1 MB)
Price Transparency for Open Access Publication Fees
Visualization of expenditure for gold open access publications
You can visualize ZB’s expenditure for publications per publishing house, journal title, and article DOI.
You can access each article by entering its DOI at
Einen direkten Zugriff auf die jeweiligen Artikel erhalten Sie nach Eingabe der jeweiligen DOI auf
Source: INTACT Project – Open APC Initiative
View: Zentralbibliothek Forschungszentrum Jülich
Linda McGrath
+49 2461 61-6123
Publications Team