Bibliometrics – Altmetrics

Altmetrics – Metrics for information on the dissemination of scientific publications

The altmetrics approach is very promising with respect to the ongoing discussion of research findings in the scientific community and in society at large. The introduction of alternative metrics (altmetrics) can be traced back to a discussion several years ago as to whether focusing on the classical bibliometric indicators in the Internet era still adequately reflected the scientific and social significance of research work. In the course of this discussion, the expression “altmetrics” was coined as a collective term for alternative metrics which also include web-based information.
Altmetrics can therefore be regarded as a complement to classical bibliometric indicators providing new information from the social media sector that was previously unavailable. This new information makes it possible to examine the reception of scientific publications for example on news sites, in science blogs, policy papers, and other web-based sources. Altmetrics is not a substitute for bibliometric indicators. Its strength is to be found in revealing dissemination paths and the wide range of information on the scientific context of an article.

Machbarkeitsstudie Altmetrics (Dirk Tunger, Andreas Meier, Daniel Hartmann, 2017)

Altmetrics – A Collated Adjunct Beyond Citations for Scholarly Impact – A Systematic Review (Basavaraj Patthi et. al., Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, 1 June 2017)

Evaluation von ausgewählten Altmetrics-Diensten für den Einsatz an wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken (Kerstin Gimpl, Masterarbeit TH Köln, 18.04.2017)

Forschungsmetriken – Ignorieren, boykottieren oder nutzen? – Forschungsmetriken in die Praxis gebracht (Oliver Renn, Joachim Schnabl,, 2017, S. 229-235)

Vier Tage für fünf Jahre Altmetrics – Bericht über die Konferenz 2AM und den Workshop altmetrics15 (Stefanie Haustein,, 2016, S. 110-112)

Inclusion in selected press releases of Forschungszentrum Jülich

Press releases on publications by Jülich scientists in which altmetrics are applied can be identified on the website of Forschungszentrum Jülich by a so-called donut. The colours of this donut represent the current figures on the social media impact of the publication and a link to the Altmetric website where you can find more detailed information on the media in which the publication was mentioned.
Forschungszentrum Jülich – News – Research Highlights

Inclusion in the JuSER Publicationsportal

Publications by Jülich scientists which receive an Altmetric Score are labelled with the corresponding donut in Jülich’s publications portal. The donut can be found in the “Database coverage” of the “full record” view of documents, as a complement to the databases and reference systems already listed.
The colours of the donut represent the current figures on the social media impact of the publication and a link to the website where you can find more detailed information on the media in which the publication was mentioned.
JuSER Publications Portal


Altmetrics for Jülich publications was introduced thanks to an initiative of the Central Library. We aim to present distribution channels of scientific information and to increase the visibility of Jülich’s research results. The changes in scientific communication channels and the effects of this on the impact of research results are a particular focus. The Central Library has experience and well-founded knowledge on bibliometrics in the science-policy context as well as on open access.


Andreas Meier
+49 2461 61-6198

Last Modified: 16.11.2022