[sic!] Jülich – Invenio User Group Workshop 2013
The Central Library of Forschungszentrum Jülich hosted an international scientific workshop from 18 to 20 November 2013. Developments in the area of repositories provided the basis for acknowledging, discussing, and shaping social and technical changes.
Invenio User Group Workshop 2013
On Monday, the Central Library welcomed 40 external participants from eight countries and three continents. They came to attend a three-day workshop offering them the opportunity to network with the developers and users of the open source software Invenio.
The first day was dedicated to the different implementations of Invenio. Dr. Wagner (ZB) outlined the installation at Forschungszentrum Jülich, in other libraries within the Helmholtz Association, and at RWTH Aachen University. The Institute of Energy and Climate Research – Plasma Physics (IEK-4) presented a work flow for the internal peer review of publications by scientists in IEK-4. In addition to systems in Russia, Nepal, and Senegal, TIND Technologies provided insights into the implementation of Invenio as a repository for Arabic-language publications. Presentations on Invenio 2.0 developments and their technical details together with indicators and data storage brought the first day to a close.
On Tuesday, attention was turned to the application of Invenio in libraries and repositories. The Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum and RWTH Aachen University were presented as two examples of institutions cooperating with Jülich on the JuSER project. ZB emphasized the importance of standardized data sets in order to link publications to scientists, institutes, and funding. The creation and handling of work flows and the technology behind the web interface were also presented. The day came to a close with talks on integrating videos and photos, Invenio’s spin-off software for the organization of science conferences (Indico), and the use of unique identifier codes such as the DOI and ORCID.
ORCID – Open Researcher and Contributor ID
Wednesday kicked off with presentations by the library network of Western Switzerland on ‘elasticsearch’ and designing facets in library catalogues, which had originally been scheduled for Tuesday afternoon.s The closing presentations focused on implementing local modifications in current program versions and the user-friendly installation of Invenio using commercial infrastructure and service providers. The remaining time was used for group discussions.
Workshop programme and presentations
Timetable & Slides – Invenio User Group Workshop 2013
Workshop registration and Invenio
Detailed Information & Registration - Invenio User Group Workshop 2013
Selected implementations of Invenio
Forschungszentrum Jülich (Germany) – JuSER
GSI Helmholzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung (Germany) – GSI repository
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (Germany) – DESY Publication Database
CERN (Switzerland) – CERN Document Server
International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (Nepal) – HimalDoc
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Russia) – JINR Document Server
United Nations Institute for Economic and Statistical Planning (Senegal) – IDEP Document Server
Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain) – UAB Digital Repository of Documents