Forschungszentrum Jülich First German Member of ORCID Initiative
As of 24 January 2014, Forschungszentrum Jülich is a member of the ORCID® initiative.
Starting with compiling individual lists of publications up to and including easier updating of publication databases, ORCID will facilitate the work of the Central Library and increase the visibility of Jülich research.
Within the framework of open source efforts, ORCID identifiers (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) will make it possible to uniquely link publications to the respective authors.
In the next six months, more detailed information will be provided on the procedure for introducing ORCID identifiers.
As a first step, since December 2013 about 200 scientists from the individual institutes have corrected their publication lists from the JuSER predecessor systems and uniquely identified the publications.
Contact: Alexander Wagner
Email: JuSER Helpdesk
Tel: 1586
Scientific Publishing Team
JuSERPublications Portal
ORCID – Open Researcher and Contributor ID