January 2023 bis December 2027
Dr. Roland Pieruschka
Senior Scientist
Gebäude 06.2 / Raum 303
+49 2461/61-1784
E-MailDr. Sven Fahrner
Senior science coordinator
Gebäude 06.2 / Raum 303
+49 2461/61-2186
European Infrastructure for Plant Phenotyping: Development and long-term sustainability of new pan-European research infrastructures
European Infrastructure for Plant Phenotyping
EMPHASIS has “proved to have a vision on how to act as a Pan-European RI”3 and has established all relevant elements to effectively bring the RI towards full operation with a highly demanded service portfolio embedded in a sound legal and financial framework. Thus, EMPHASIS-GO will bring EMPHASIS into full operation enabling excellence in science, stakeholder engagement and development of sound governance, operational and funding frameworks. EMPHASIS-GO will build on the successful work in the Preparatory Phase with EMPHASIS-PREP.
Grant Agreement Number EMPHASIS-GO: 101079772
Contacts IBG-2