Transformative Open Access Agreement Concluded with Elsevier
13 November 2023
Immediate access to many journals; articles by Jülich authors will automatically be published open access
All scientists and employees at Forschungszentrum Jülich now have access to around 2,500 Elsevier journals. The journals licensed date back to 1995. Articles on journal websites can now be accessed again from the IP range of Forschungszentrum Jülich. Access also includes articles that were published in the period when no agreement was in place with Elsevier. Articles with an original acceptance date after the conclusion of the agreement will be published open access by almost all Elsevier journals at no additional cost. We recommend selecting the CC-BY licence when submitting your publication.
DEAL Consortium consortium – Agreements – Elsevier
Elsevier – Open access – Agreements – Projekt DEAL – Agreement between Germany and Elsevier
German Rectors' Conference (HRK) – Press Releases – The DEAL Consortium and Elsevier Announce Transformative Open Access Agreement for Germany
Detailed interview on the agreement
Dr. Bernhard Mittermaier, head of ZB, was actively involved in the German science community’s successful negotiations with the publisher Elsevier. As a member of the DEAL negotiation group, Dr. Bernhard Mittermaier helped achieve the best possible conditions for Jülich’s researchers and all Jülich institutes when it comes to publishing and reading Elsevier articles. He spoke to Hanno Schiffer (UK-I) about the negotiations, what it means for authors at Jülich, and how he sees the agreement.
Internet (FZJ) – News – Announcements – 2023 – New Licence Agreement with Elsevier (13 November 2023)
Background information on DEAL
DEAL is a consortium initiated in 2014 and financed by the Alliance of Science Organizations in Germany. Its task is to conduct licensing negotiations with the three major scientific publishers Elsevier, Springer Nature, and Wiley. The DEAL consortium set up the company MPDL Services gGmbH, which signed the transformative open access agreement with Elsevier. Other DEAL agreements are in place with Wiley and Springer Nature. The DEAL agreements aim to drive the open access transition in Germany.
DEAL consortium – Background and objectives
Your contacts at ZB
Scientific Publishing | DEAL Consortium |
Linda McGrath E-Mail: Tel.: +49 2461/61-6123 | Dr. Bernhard Mittermaier E-Mail: Tel.: +49 2461/61-3013 |