First online workshop of Transform2Open with intensive participation

11 May 2023

The large participation in the online workshop "Kostenmonitoring - Problemfelder und Handlungsbedarfe" on May 10, 2023 shows how highly topical the work of the DFG-funded project Transform2Open is.

The event, which was in lead organised by the Central Library of Forschungszentrum Jülich (project partner in Transform2Open), was attended by about 230 of the 280 registered participants! The more than 80% rate of actual participation in relation to registrations is an impressive indication that the monitoring of publication costs in the Open Access-Transformation is a topic of increasing importance at scientific institutions in Germany.

After the welcome and presentation of the Transform2Open project, Carsten Elsner from TU Braunschweig and Gernot Deinzer from UB Regensburg gave exciting keynote speeches on the topic. Subsequently tools, workflows, problems and best practices for monitoring publication costs were compiled in four break-out sessions.

The results of the workshop will be the basis for a report and a handout for decision-makers.

Transform2Open is a joint project of the Central Library of Forschungszentrum Jülich, the Helmholtz Open Science Office and the der University Library of the University of Potsdam.

Project Transform2Open
Central Library of Forschungszentrum Jülich
Helmholtz Open Science Office
University Library of the University of Potsdam

Transform2Open – News and events – First online workshop of Transform2Open with intensive participation!

Your contact at ZB

Margit Schön

Last Modified: 12.05.2023