Open Access Publication of the Month – Dr. Alessandro Ferreri (PGI-12) et al.

8 October 2024
To encourage us all to broaden our horizons, each month the Central Library selects one open access publication from the JuSER publications portal to be featured in the newsletter of Forschungszentrum Jülich.
In the open access publication of the month, Dr. Alessandro Ferreri, Dr. David E. Bruschi, and Prof. Dr. Frank Wilhelm-Mauch (all PGI-12) write about the non-trivial quantum features and the dynamics of left-handed transmission lines (LHTLs), which are used to simulate materials that do not occur in nature, for example.
In quantum physics, the use of simulators is crucial for a better understanding of highly energetic phenomena. Among other platforms, circuits based on superconductivity are distinctive for their accessibility and flexibility. The transmission line analysed in this paper can simulate quantum fields with left-handed dispersion relations, which means that the mode frequencies of the field increase at higher wavelengths. To investigate their quantum features, the authors study the quantization of such a transmission line, showing that – in contrast to what occurs in conventional materials – the energy of an electromagnetic wave propagating through the transmission line is not proportional to its frequency.
The authors also demonstrated that this unusual behaviour affects the dynamics of the system. For example, the study of particle creation phenomena shows anomalies: it is energetically easier to create high-frequency waves than low-frequency ones. This suggests that LHTLs both reduce the energy cost for the study of particle creation and facilitate the simulation of high-energetic phenomena in circuit platforms.
The open access publication entitled "Particle creation in left-handed metamaterial transmission lines" was published in the journal Physical Review Research.
JuSER publications portal – Particle creation in left-handed metamaterial transmission lines
Internet – Peter Grünberg Institute – Quantum Computing Analytics (IBG-12)