Ten simple rules for starting FAIR discussions in your community  – with Esther Plomp – Jülich Open Science Speaker Series (JOSSS)

This lecture will help you understand what FAIR Principles are and how to implement them in your community.

5th December 2023 13:00 PM
5th December 2023 14:30 PM
Campus Jülich, building 04.7, room 301 and online via Zoom

About this Lecture


This lecture is a summary of the ‘Ten simple rules for starting FAIR discussions in your community’ article that provides guidance on how to start up discussions around the implementation of the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable). This includes discussions on how to standardise research workflows to facilitate interoperability. This work will be particularly relevant if you are unsure where to start, who to involve, what the benefits and barriers of standardisation are, and little work has been done in your discipline to standardise research workflows. These ten rules aim to support you to more effectively engaging your community with discussions on standardisation and practical implementation of the FAIR principles.


Please find the slides and transcript of the lecture as well as the transcribed questions and answers in the JuOSC collection item doi:10.34734/FZJ-2024-00098.

This is a revised ChatGPT 3.5 generated summary of the 13 page transcript:

This presentation provides an overview over the ten simple rules for starting FAIR discussions in scientific communities (delineated in this paper), offering researchers a comprehensive guide to navigate the complexities of implementing FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) principles in their workflows. Focused on the social aspects of standardization, the rules underscore community involvement, emphasizing shared interests within research communities and the need for collective identification of goals for a successful implementation of the principles. Recognizing barriers encompassing data requirements, ethical considerations, and diverse research environments, the rules strategically guide researchers through the establishment of minimum metadata and documentation standards, the selection or creation of appropriate data-sharing infrastructure, and planning for long-term sustainability. The presentation advocates for sharing experiences across platforms, facilitating collaborative learning within the Open Science community.

Each rule is meticulously crafted to address the intricacies of standardization, encouraging researchers to define their communities, identify sources of support, and engage with the social dynamics of FAIR discussions. The rules promote a nuanced understanding of the benefits of standardization, both at a personal and institutional level, stressing its positive impact on research networks, reputation, and long-term cost efficiency. Recognizing the unique challenges posed by diverse research environments, the rules offer a flexible framework, urging researchers to tailor their approach according to the specific needs of their communities. This presentation serves as a valuable overview for researchers seeking a pragmatic and socially informed roadmap to integrate FAIR principles into their research practices, fostering a culture of openness, collaboration, and sustainable data management.

Why join?

This lecture will help you understand what FAIR Principles are and how to implement them in your community.

Our Speaker

Esther Plomp
Esther Plomp

Esther Plomp (she/her) is the Data Steward of the Faculty of Applied Sciences at the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands (since 2018). She is also a member of many Open Science communities such as the Turing Way and Open Life Science. She is one of the board members of the isotope archaeology data repository IsoArcH, which is why she is involved in discussions around FAIR data.
The Turing Way
Open Life Science

How to join?

The Series will use a hybrid format where our speakers talk directly in front of a live audience as well as be telecast via Zoom. This format was selected to minimize barriers to participation.

The speaker series takes place at Forschungszentrum Jülich’s Central Library. You can also attend online via Zoom. The lectures will be recorded and made public afterwards.

If you intend to participate in-person please write additionally a mail to: m.gonzalez-marquez@fz-juelich.de

We look forward to seeing you there!

Jülich Open Science Speaker Series

Forschungszentrum Jülich’s Central Library (ZB) invites all scientists at Jülich, Helmholtz and our international guests to join the conversation on current developments in Open Science.

Forschungszentrum Jülich’s Central Library (ZB)

“We‘re implementing a theory driven open science practice at Jülich. This is both challenging and very exciting, as we move towards providing researchers at Jülich with a cohesive vision of how open science can benefit their scientific work as well as society at large,” says Monica Gonzalez-Marquez, who is responsible for the planning and implementation of open science activities of Jülich’s Central Library.

Your contact at ZB

Last Modified: 04.01.2024