Designing industrial relevant biocatalysts
Enzyme, strain and pathway design
One cornerstone of our biofoundry is the metabolic engineering of microbial powerhouses such as Escherichia coli, Corynebacterium glutamicum, and Pseudomonas putida. Through modulation of native pathways, construction of synthetic pathways, and adaptive laboratory evolution we tailor these microorganisms to become efficient biofactories for industrial applications.
Additionally, expression and optimization of individual enzymes are orchestrated at various scales to enable precise bioconversion or complex multi-step enzyme cascade reactions.
Various techniques come into play during the design phase, such as site-directed or random mutagenesis, modular cloning, Gibson assembly, or CRISPR/Cas-based tools. Each technique contributes uniquely to sculpting the microbial chassis, ensuring precision and efficiency in construction.
In silico simulations guide the initial blueprint, and necessary cloning steps are meticulously planned. Years of experience and a database of existing variants, experimental results and computer models serve as the foundation, empowering the prediction of improved strain designs.