

We build complex products from renewable raw materials using synthetic enzyme cascades. For this purpose, we combine - in a modular and flexible way - enzymes that do not occur together in nature. Rational enzyme engineering, reaction optimization and process design are used to obtain economically and ecologically efficient cascades.

An interdisciplinary team of (bio)chemists, biologists and engineers develops these multi-enzyme catalyzed processes with high step and atom efficiency while avoiding (toxic) by-products.

Starting from low-cost material, especially high-value (optically active) fine chemicals, often with direct pharmaceutical application, but also building blocks for chemicals or biofuels are produced. So far, product platforms of 2-hydroxyketones, amines, amino alcohols, diols and tetrahydroisoquinolines (the latter showing e.g. great potential as antibiotics and anticancer drugs) have been established. Some processes are successfully scaled up with collaborative partners from industry.

Research Topics

Current and future research targets are

  1. the use of continuous systems and unconventional media to increase space-time-yields > read more
  2. combining enzymes, chemical catalysts and microbial cell factories to generate value from renewable resources > read more
  3. regulation of enzyme activities in cascades using light > read more
  4. data management in biocatalysis using FAIR principles > read more

Research activities take place at Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH while teaching activities are conducted at RWTH Aachen University (Aachen Biology and Biotechnology) in the Teaching- and Research Area Synthetic Enzyme Cascades.


Prof. Dr. Dörte Rother


Building 15.4 / Room 102

+49 2461/61-6772


Team `Synthetic enzyme cascades´


Prof. Dr. Dörte RotherGroup head „Biocatalysis“Building 15.21 / Room 4034+49 2461/61-6772
Prof. Dr. Martina PohlNoneBuilding 15.21 / Room R 4035+49 2461/61-4388

Scientific staff

Dr. Torsten SehlScientific staffBuilding 15.4 / Room 101/1+49 2461/61-6007


Lilia ArnoldTechnicianBuilding 15.21 / Room R 4037+49 2461/61-3788
Dipl.-Ing. Ilona Frindi-WoschTechnicianBuilding 15.21 / Room R 4038+49 2461/61-5199
Doris HahnTechnicianBuilding 15.21 / Room 4037+49 2461/61-3788
Heike OffermannTechnicianBuilding 15.21 / Room 4037+49 2461/61-3788

PhD students

Flora Maria BindreiterPh.D. studentBuilding 15.21 / Room 4038+49 2461/61-5199
Nina KlosPh. D. studentBuilding 15.21 / Room 4039+49 2461/61-84371
Dominik Meißner Ph.D. studentBuilding 15.21 / Room 4038+49 2461/61-5199
Maria NicolasPh.D. studentBuilding 15.21 / Room 4039+49 2461/61-84371
Berit RothkranzPhD studentBuilding 15.21 / Room 4037+49 2461/61-3788


Lisa SumailaMaster studentBuilding 15.21 / Room 4037+49 2461/61-3788


selected press releases & videos

Bioeconomy Blog. Im Takt der Temperatur: das Enzym Orchester I Falling Walls Rheinland

Mit Biotech die Welt retten. Geht das? Faktencheck Folge 1
Online-Wissensmagazin zur Bio-Innovation
Konzept: Futurium Berlin | Produktion: Februar Film | Moderation: Barbara Scherle

Video "MyScience". RWTH Aachen University: Prof. Dörte Rother

DECHEMA Price 2019. Press release

Die Meisterin der Enzyme. Portrait in: Helmholtz Perspektiven. 01/2019: 40-42

10 Köpfe für unsere Zukunft – Nachwuchsforscher aus NRW. Bild online. 18.10.2017.

Publications in peer-reviewed journals

Last Modified: 02.12.2024